You can write to me c/o:
WestSide Books
60 Industrial Road
Lodi, NJ 07644
“When I finish a book, I get up and whirl around. My feet can’t stop moving I’m so excited. But then comes the depression. I had a project and a goal and now it’s gone. I miss my characters intensely. I can’t go back to that world again. It’s like living in a home that you really loved, and then moving. You can go back and visit, but you don’t live inside it anymore.”
I moved from Berkeley to San Francisco, and
found an apartment on Russian Hill, with a view of Alcatraz and the Bay. No writing was getting done because I kept staring out the window. Back to the cellar I went….
Modesty Mail: I refuse to send a naked envelope! All my letters and packages are decorated with stickers and pictures (and that goes for my emails)!
Fave Color: “Ticonderoga Pencil” Yellow!